Colegrove Photography
Colegrovian Empire

Why does this web page exist? You may choose from the possibilities I list or make up one of your own. It is unlikely you will discover a true

I was on holiday with my family. We park our flabby white selves at the Eden Roc every Winter, for the last twenty years any way, since my baby sister drowned off Clearwater beach. I can make my family deteriorate into a hissy ball of snakes by just suggesting that we visit the gulf coast. My mom still hates dad for not drowning in the rip too. They are very good a pushing them selves down deep inside so they can live with each other and the past. At least I can pretend I'm just some passer by dragooned into snapping a shutter instead of a member of an obviously damaged family.

My eyesight is failing. It is the worst thing that can happen to a photographer. I've shot more weddings and graduations than I can count and they all run together except for the ones with pregnant brides. Those pregnant brides are hard. You have to have a big bouquet to hide their tummies. I thought I'd just relax a little in the sun down in Florida but I just can't stop taking pictures. Thank God for auto focus. I can blow the pictures way up on my computer and get real close. I tried looking at the screen with a magnifying glass but it just doesn't work. The doctor says working on the computer won't make my eyes worse but I wonder if he is just saying that because he knows that its the only thing I can still do. I sure hope I can see good again after I'm dead.

A guy walking by my cubical at work asked if he could use my phone for a second. I said, "One second is not a reliable estimate of your telephone usage requirement." He went away and I got back to work on my web page of the Eden Roc Hotel in North Miami Beach on Collins Avenue which is really a cool old hotel built in the '50's. I wish I could see out a window from my cube.

Dad says that since I'm twenty three years old it was high time I start paying rent on my room. I think he's a little sore because he bought me an expensive computer and sent me to technical school but I dropped out and I sold half the memory from the computer to buy some stuff but I smoked it all and I gotta do something to make some cash but not like burger flipping so my friend Zbar said I should put a page out on the web 'cause web page designers are getting like 3k a page but so far nobodys called and my old man is really chewing on me for being a lazy bum.

It's a Small World After All.
It's a Small World After All.
It's a Small World After All.
It's a Small Small World.
It's a Dum World After All.
It's a Dum World After All.
It's a Dum World After All.
It's a Dum Dum World.
I can't get that song out of by mind. I went to Orlando after Miami Beach. I'd put some Disneyworld pictures on my page but the Copyright Dudes would be on me like a Vegas rash