The Emperor elevates selected citizens to the aristocracy just for the fun of it. The Emperor also bestows honors
on citizens that have done something to bring glory, honor, humor, or gin to the empire.
Baroness of Needles
Carrie Gunst
Duke of Cruz
Karl Schuh
Duchess of Cruz
Linda Schuh O.F.E.
Prince of Wobble
Alan Schuh
Duke of Echter
Chas. Lowther
Duchess of Echter
Suzie Lowther
Duke 'd Hill Country
Craig Johnson O.F.E.
Duchess 'd Hill Country
Lucia Johnson
Princess of Twirlybaton and Iwannapony
Lena Johnson
Doll in Waiting to Princess of Twirlybaton and Iwannapony
Prince of Yee-Ha
Griffin Johnson
Contessa von Space
Connie Szeflinski
Count von Niwot
Hale Landis
Lord of Cobble
Russell Chagnon
Lady Cobble*
Mary Chagnon O.F.E.
Princess of Morgan Hill
Katie Chagnon
Other Princess of Morgan Hill
Emily Chagnon
Dutchess Tiara
Elizabeth (Zilki) Harrison
Baron of BIOS
Curtis Stevens
Jack of Daniels
Pete McLean
Mistress of the Hunt
Carrie Gunst
Lord of the Dance & Boss 'o Novas
John Nels Fuller
Baroness of Boulder
Renée Depew
* It is not legal in the Colegrovian Empire to ask Lady Cobble questions such as "Why did my print job not print?" or "My computer is working funny. Could you fix it?".